
I am a mother of two just trying to make life a little easier day by day. I love my family, chocolate, organizing, fonts, office supplies and gabbing. Sharing helpful and practical advice on making life easier is my passion.  After a biopsy-confirmed diagnosis of celiac disease, making life easier with celiac is a new passion!

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes your body to attack your intestinal lining when you eat gluten.  The attack flattens the villi that absorb the vitamins and nutrients from food.  Upon diagnosis, you musy adhere to a strict gluten free diet to help begin the repair process of your gut so you can absorb nutrients and vitamins again.  It is a life changing experience to say the least!

Please send me any questions or topics you’d like to hear more about! Thank you for checking out my blog.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey Rebecca!
    Its Jess from Tranquility. I looked on your site and didn’t see the swaddle thing. What was it called again? Thanks! Nice meeting you by the way. Take care.

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